Neon Fish

Try to collect as many stars as you can before it gets too dark! You leave behind yourself a path of light, which will be safe to traverse. You have 2 minutes. But if you touch the darkness, time will run out faster.

Arrow keys to turn fish and speed up / down.

Made for TriJam in four hours or so... I got interrupted quite a many times, so let's say that's three.  Most of the time was used in making trace painting system, as this was my first time using render textures (viewports in Godot). After breaking and fixing the system multiple times two thirds of the time was already up :D

Theme was "Don't learn from mistakes - repeat!". I tried to make it so that the game rewards you for going same routes again and again. Maybe it's quite a stretch with how the mechanics turned out... After the jam I revamped graphics and entire setting of the game. At first it was in space, but I didn't like sprites I had drawn. Also the music, which was written before I decided on theme, didn't match space theme. So I decided to go with ocean theme.

Music by Mubsi

Font: Knewave

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